Wednesday 3 December 2008

Wednesday 3rd December 2008

Ow! Ow! Ow! A bit of a riot kicked off in my mouth last night when my tongue and cheeks broke out in nasty ulcers. Surprisingly I slept fine, but this morning I could hardly talk as my tongue was swollen and sore.

Back to the hospital we go (no more snow this morning luckily), and the doc told me I had thrush (don't ask). The good news is that I now have two more drugs in my arsenal - something called Fluconazole and a 3-times daily gel mouthwash called Gelclair which are starting to reduce the discomfort. I will hopefully be on these for the duration now so that this does not reoccur during the next cycle.

Good news that this is now recognised as a side-effect of the chemo and not any kind of infection which would be more worrying at this stage.

Still coping ok and keeping chin up, even if I do sound like Sly Stallone when I speak!

Due for a snow hammering overnight, but as they did my scheduled blood tests today whilst we were there rather than tomorrow as planned, that should work out ok and we can safely hibernate for the day tomorrow I think (no Minder on tomorrow though, sadly ...)

1 comment:

Mrs Jones said...

If your female and have a history of taking antibiotics, thrush will be no stranger to you. Antibiotics work by killing off good bugs as well as bad bugs allowing yeast to get an upper hand, causing the thrush. I would imagine that the chemo drugs do much the same thing. Natural live yoghurt with high levels of lactobacillus acidophilus can help with balancing internal flora (and you can also, um, insert it if you have an attack "down there" but as you're not female, you needn't do that...) You have my sympathy!!