Sunday 14 December 2008

Sunday 14th December 2008

Very nice dinner last night!

In the restaurant there was a picture of a badger, which reminded me immediately of the funniest web clip I have ever seen. Every time I watch it I can't help but laugh, it's just so funny and I don't know why!

Thanks to Andy T for sending this to me a couple of years back, couldn't resist checking it out again last night and it had me laughing all over again! Now that I have an audience ready to spread the word Worldwide, here it is again (you need speakers on your PC) ...

Truly marvelous!

On the cancer front (which I suppose is the whole point of this blog after all ...) I have another set of blood tests tomorrow to check whether I am in a fit state to have a second cycle of chemo, and assuming I am, I will be going into Huddersfield Royal Infirmary on Tuesday to start my second 24-hour IV marathon. 24 hours attached to an IV trolley, recording everything I drink and peeing into bottles so they can measure everything that comes out too to make sure my "fluid balance" is within the correct tolerances.

I finally got my appointment to meet the surgeon through yesterday, only to find that it is set for 7.20pm on Tuesday night, when I will be in the hospital! Typical! Hopefully they will be able to rearrange for another time this week.

Strange dream last night - all about this blog! I had a plan for an epic posting, with every single detail mapped out. Of course I woke up this morning and couldn't remember a thing about it, so you'll have to make do with this "less-than-epic" alternative! :)

Bye for now!


Anonymous said...

I think I've seen the badger film before and the snake interlude made me laugh a lot... however.. is it on a loop.... was waiting for an ending and waited... waited... waited... actually am still waiting...


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the badgers are still keeping you amused but make sure that you are not under the influence of morphine whilst viewing as the side effects can be quite messy(apparently)!

Andy T