Thursday 11 December 2008

Thursday 11th December 2008

Routine weekly visit to the hospital today for a blood test to determine the level of Warfarin I should be taking. It's been upped to 5mg from 4mg.

Also picked up 4 weeks supply of Fluconazole (the anti-fungal drug which sorted my mouth out earlier this week).

My Oncologist was there and she told me that despite the mouth ulcers I suffered, she didn't want to reduce my chemo dose, so she warned me that it is likely that I will suffer the same side effect in the next cycle as I am on a relatively high dose of 5FU administered in a short time. However, this time they are expecting the thrush so they will throw all the oral drugs at me they can to minimise the impact, so hopefully no blended turkey on Christmas Day! If the worst comes to the worst, we'll postpone and have Christmas dinner in January. At least if that happens, we'll be able to pop to the shops if we've forgotten something!

I now have my appointment for my repeat CT scan on the 7th Jan, but I won't get the results from that for about a week after. I'm now waiting for an appointment to meet the surgeons who will do my operation in February - I'm expecting that to come through in the next day or so.

Nothing much else to report - still feeling good and a bit smiley, and I'm not even on the morphine any more! :)


Kelly Sayers said...

Hay Col,

I hope today is another smiley day for you, I've just caught up on all your activities recently and have to say whilst reading through it, it occurred to me that there are similarities to going through the quarter at work!! There are lots of ups and a few downs but we all know we always get to where we need to be by the end of the third month!

Your attitude to this is extremely inspirational, I think once you've beaten the current situation you should continue the blog with your updates on the Tour de France and the Marathon!! Each day I have read hasn't failed to make me laugh and smile :o)

There is one thing that I didn't get though - and yes it probably is because I am blonde! I just don't understand your favourite joke!! Please explain...

Might not be your thang, however if you find that Minder isn't on and your at a loss for something to watch on the telly, then Jeremy Kyle is hilarious!! I'm not sure if it's the pure chaviness of the people on the show (surely they get paid for doing it???!!), or the self righteous tw*t that is Jeremy Kyle!

Keep smiling, and keep making me smile!

Look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes


Colin Robb said...

Vanda is a Jeremy Kyle fan - I call it "car crash" TV. It's like an accident on a motorway - it's horrible, but you just can't help but look! :) Re the joke, you have to pronounce "bison" like "basin"!