Friday 19 December 2008

Friday 19th December 2008

Slightly better day today - some nausea, but not as bad as yesterday. Still a bit woozy, but I seem to remember that only lasted a couple of days last time.

Sleeping pretty well all the same, except with this being Christmas we seem to get a queue of posties turning up at the door with parcels, starting at about 7.30am, which is early for me at the moment, so I have to keep leaping out of bed from a rude awakening to sign for yet another cool Christmas present - which turns out to be a work presentation on a memory stick for Vanda which needs signing for (two duplicate copies at 7.30am on two days running - nice work R*%£$e!)

Christmas card marathon completed now though, and only a few presents still to buy (I LOVE the Internet!), so we're hoping for a nice relaxing Christmas - hopefully nausea and ulcer-free!

Colin the Caterpillar is somewhat shorter than he was yesterday and is proving an adequate rival for "Vienna cake", so I'm certainly not losing weight during this process!

Happy Birthday to 40-year old Dr Dave today (yes, 40! Who'd ever have thought it!) - looking forward to playing at the party tomorrow night, although the commensurate amount of alcohol the occasion deserves will be sadly lacking from my evening - I suppose I can take my camera and be the annoying sober guy who makes your worst nightmares come true when you only thought that you might have made that embarrassing faux-pas the night before - blackmail plans at the ready!

Cheers for now ...


Anonymous said...

Colin - Your positive attitude and sense of humor are really amazing! I am following along to see how you are doing. I'm new to this blog thing so been laying low, but one of my missions for the holidays is to get a bit more educated on this stuff. You seem to be doing really well with your treatments. My thoughts are prayers are with you. Here's wishing you a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends and hoping you get to enjoy it, at least a bit.


Anonymous said...

Hey Col! Hope the nausea isn't too bad today! Keep hitting the ondansetron to the max!!! Cheers for the birthday wishes... and as for the balding... you should frankly just go for the shave and make the band look a lot symmetrical LOL!!!! (btw what was your white cell count?)

See you later mate!
