Saturday 13 December 2008

Saturday 13th December 2008

45 today! 45 today!

Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday dear me-e,
Happy Birthday to me! :)

It struck me this morning that this is the 41st anniversary of my earliest memory - coming downstairs on my 4th birthday to my big present - a "Big Big Train". I remember it clearly, and it looked like this:

Although I'm not sure I remember that "The SECRET is in THE SWITCHES!". However, I remember loving that train to bits (probably literally!)

Today has been lovely so far - loads of best wishes via cards, emails, eCards and Facebook, and TWO CAKES! One, a very posh, gourmet Viennese chocolate cake, shipped all the way from Vienna (and already half-eaten!), and one "Colin the Caterpillar" cake from M&S! Not sure the latter will live up to the cake-ular quality of the Vienna masterpiece, but it will be equally enjoyable cos its called Colin! :)

Tonight - dinner at "The Old Bore at Rishworth" - a fabulous restaurant with the best steak and ale pie in the World, bar none, and my favourite beer (and Madonna's, apparently) - Timothy Taylor's Landlord. I've not been drinking for some time now (although I have no restrictions and can drink if I want) - I just haven't really fancied alcohol (now you KNOW that I'm ill!) - I think I will make an exception for a pint of the amber tonight. Will probably be completely pissed after one pint, but howay!

Gig last night was good - Barcrest Christmas party (the guys who make fruit machines). Not the most lively lot, but enjoyed it all the same - nice to get out for a change!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Col !!
Enjoy your pie and pint tonight.
You certainly deserve it.
LOL adele xx