Wednesday 17 December 2008

Wednesday 17th December 2008 - Part 3 - Blog info

I have been asked about the "Follow this Blog" link and what it does.

It doesn't do what I thought it did and forward posts to your email address so you know when I've made one, it's actually just a mechanism for showing support for the blog, which helps to publicise that it is a popular blog and encourages other people to sign up - I suppose it's more for "opinion" blogs than this personal type, but I'm very grateful for those who have signed up as followers - it helps to encourage me to keep going with it as I know people are interested. If anyone else wants to sign up. please do.

If you have problems with nothing happening when you click on the "Follow this Blog" link, it is to do with your browser blocking pop-ups. You will probably get a message at the top of the page telling you that pop-ups have been blocked. There is usually an "options" button next to the message, one of which is "temporarily allow pop-ups for this page" select that and try again and all should be ok.

If any of you DO want to be notified automatically when I make a post so that you don't have to keep checking in, then I can add your email address to an area on the blog setup page which will make this happen. Your email will not be visible to anyone else but me, so no chance of spamming.

Talking of which, if you want me to add you to the list, don't post your email in the comments, but send it to my yahoo email (which already gets spammed relentlessly, so no problem putting it here): don't ask me why I chose that name though!

Overall, thanks for your support of the blog and all your comments so far, either via the blog or via email/phone, it is much appreciated and I fully intend to keep the posting up, even when I'm bald!



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