Wednesday 24 December 2008

Christmas Eve 2008! :)

Hi All,

'Tis Xmas Eve and all is well!

No ulcers in sight and no scary shark-related dreams.

Colin the Caterpillar is no more - he has finally had his face eaten - so birthday celebrations are finally over and Christmas can begin in earnest!

So bring on the turkey, roasties, port and stilton, put away that blender, and let's go!!

Sadly will forgo the usual trip to the pub tonight, but I think a little snifter at home is probably in order - please join me (if you haven't already)!

So if there is anyone
actually reading this on Christmas Eve, thanks, and have a fantastic day tomorrow, may your celebrations (whatever they may be) go spiffingly!

Happy Christmas Everybody!

Colin x


Mrs Jones said...

I'm reading it on xmas eve, Mr Fishperson!! Have a very happy christmas.

Can I make a suggestion for the next blogs? I want to see pictures! If you can persuade someone, I personally think it would be interesting to see some of the things you've been talking about, like the bottle you've had attached to you, or what the tube in your arm looks like. Okay, call me ghoulish but I'm curious and I'll bet I'm not the only one....!!!

Colin Robb said...

I've been meaning to take a few pictures - I'll try and get around to it soon. I'll see if the surgeon will take a few snaps whilst he's got me sliced open if you like! :)

Mrs Jones said...

Actually, yeah, that would be pretty cool (and I'm not joking!) This sort of stuff goes on all the time and happens to loads of people but no-one ever sees it. It's something major that's happening in your life and ought to be documented fully - take pics then you won't just have your memory to rely on. I have a friend (Carol, the one Vanda knows) who made her partner takes photos of her in hospital while awaiting the birth of their 3rd child. She was wired up and had a drip and all sorts of stuff, and looked dreadful. She wanted a visual reminder of how awful she felt at the time in order that she could refer to it whenever she started to feel broody!! But as far as I was concerned it was interesting to see this.

BTW, it's Kaz here, although I seem to be posting as Mrs Jones at the moment!!