Wednesday 10 December 2008

Wednesday 10th December 2008

Hi All,

Had a "smiley" day today for some reason - walked up into town and couldn't help smiling at people - freaked them out no end! :)

I guess its partly to do with the great feeling of being able to enjoy food again!

I've had a few nice comments recently, and to show that this is a genuinely interactive blog, I will now address my concerned, informed and inquisitive following ... ha, ha, delusions of grandeur slipping through there for a moment :)

1) Yes, vegetables that resemble male genitalia do make adolescent boys (and even some men) laugh. Thanks Sue, I resolve to only eat vegetables shaped like male genitalia from now on. :)

2) No, Anonymous, I don't have any diet restrictions - "eat whatever you like" I have been told. I'm assuming that is NHS speak for "eat a healthy, balanced diet", but I took it to mean "go on, have a McDonalds, you know you want to!" when I was in town today!

3) Kaz, although it is tempting to skip a few days on the blog, I see it like going to the gym. Missing a day is the start of the slippery slope. First it'll just be one day, soon the blog will be a distant memory! No seriously, I enjoy it, and it's no hardship doing at least a short message once a day. When I'm in hospital I'll have to do it from my handheld which might be more of a challenge, but we'll give it a go!

That's all for today,

Keep Smiling :)

1 comment:

Mrs Jones said...

Re: handhelds in hospital - when I spent some time at the tender mercies of the NHS at the Royal Surrey in Guildford in 2006, they had really nice fancy TV units on a long arm that you could swing over your bed, that you could also access the interwebulator from - I suppose it's possible that you might be able to update your site via that rather than a handheld, but it would probably cost a fortune as it would take a while and they're not the cheapest things to hire (but an ABSOLUTE godsend when you can't sleep at 3am and they're showing old movies on TCM & there's headphones...a real sanity saver)