Friday 26 December 2008

Boxing Day 2008

Brilliant day yesterday!

Dinner came together like perfection - all the timings coincided and everything was bloody gorgeous! Haven't enjoyed a meal like that for a very long time, and the fact that I managed to hold the ulcers at bay made it doubly lovely!

Really nice day overall too, usual combination of relaxing, eating, telly, great presents, eating more, and more drinking than I've done for quite a long time - enough to give me a headache for a short while this morning!

Today has been more of the same, although I've just had a bit of a funny turn. I get a bit wobbly every now and then and my temperature drops (I assume it is blood pressure related). Nothing that an hour on the sofa doesn't sort out, but unfortunately it came on just as we were about to pop out and see a couple of friends which was a shame. I suppose it is just a reminder that I'm still in the middle of a chemo cycle - it's difficult to remember sometimes as it's been so little of a chore to be honest. I'm probably at my low point of the cycle actually, as far as my blood count is concerned (the "nadir" as they call it was probably yesterday or today), so I guess a short funny turn is nothing unexpected. I'll keep an eye on it, but I don't think there is anything sinister, just part of the process.

Worst side effect of the last day or so is having more of an affect on Vanda than me to be honest - there are some rather nasty smells leaking out of my rear end! Man, these farts are bad - I'm even making myself gag!

Anyway, I'm still doing well besides the dodgy aroma, so that's enough for now.

I hope you all had as good a time yesterday and today as me, and that you continue to enjoy the break (if you have one of course)!


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