Saturday, 20 December 2008

Saturday 20th December 2008

Felling a lot better today - still an odd feeling of woozyness, but it's not affecting my ability to drive or lead a normal life.

Most frustrating thing at the moment is wanting to catch up face-to-face with friends, but everyone has colds and flu and I can't afford to expose myself to that for any length of time - worst time of the year to be susceptible to infection!

Been a really grey day in Halifax today - it doesn't seem to have got properly light at all all day. Eee, it's grim oop North! :) Due for some better weather Monday hopefully, but at least I've been able to go out and get my last present, so I'm all sorted. Just the food shop to do now, Monday or Tuesday and we'll be all set.

Short one today - got to get ready for the gig tonight.

See you!

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