Sunday 21 December 2008

Sunday 21st December 2008

Excellent gig last night at Dave's birthday - good do all round, and good to catch up with a few old faces!

My 5FU pump appears to have been playing up a little though, and it should have been empty at 9pm last night, but still appears to have a day's-worth in it. I've been over to the hospital today and they've flushed my PICC line out and reconnected the bottle, so hopefully the flow will pick up and I can have it taken off tomorrow instead. No big deal, it's not intrusive at all really so its no problem if it has to stay on another day or so.

Martin (band manager and theatrical empessario) commented that my blog needed a bit of spicing up and that I should start making some stuff up, so here, especially for Martin is a section of pure fallacy:

When disconnecting my bottle just now, the pressure that had built up in the pipe caused blood to spurt all over the ward and left patients screaming with burning platinum-filled eyes - the nurse, flinching from the shock, knocked over a hot cauldron of swiss cheese fondue which had been cooking ready for this evening's ward [swiss] tarts and vicars party - the fondue spilled on my legs and has meant an emergency double amputation, which was a bit sore. Apart from that though, everything is fine!

Ok, end of Martin's section, back to the dull fact that apart from Spurs just this second having lost a crucial game to Newcastle in the last minute [gutted!], everything genuinely is ok - I'm feeling really good.

I am on a reducing dose of doxamethasone which is a steriod. This appears to give me increased appetite and energy which is very welcome. However, today is the first reduced dose and tomorrow morning is the last couple of tablets, so unfortunately this feeling of euphoria will subside a bit, like last time (some of you may remember talking to me on the phone during this period of the last cycle - that's why you couldn't shut me up!)

Just been to the wine shop and followed doctors orders - "concentrate on quality not quantity" - if I'm not going to feel like drinking much over Christmas, I'm going to make sure every drop that passes my lips is top quality - just spent an absolute fortune on a bottle of 1983 Graham's Vintage Port - lovely jubbley!

Sorry, have to go and be sad - I cannot believe we've just thrown away the Newcastle game!! Gutted, gutted, gutted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Howay the lads! (Sorry Col but these days I have to take every opportunity to celebrate as they are few and far between ;-)).

Don't worry, I am sure that we will both stay up this season.