Saturday 6 December 2008

Saturday 6th December

Much, much better today.

Haven't needed the OraMorph today at all.

Strangely enough, yesterday's bouts of severe pain - in the morning and again in the late afternoon seemed to co-incide with about 15 minutes after rinsing with the GelClair solution which I was given to help the problem in the first place.

This is a sachet of gel which is mixed with a little water then rinsed around the mouth. It is designed to coat the ulcers and provide pain relief. The instructions which come with it say that there are no known side-effects or interactions with other drugs, so this may just be a co-incidence, but I stopped using it today and have been relying solely on the mouthwash I was given yesterday, and today has been absolutely fine.

I still have the ulcers, but they appear to be reducing and are causing much less discomfort whilst eating than yesterday and none of the searing pain.

I'm tempted to try one more GelClair to try and prove my theory, but if I'm proved right, all I'm doing is putting myself through uneccesary pain, so maybe I can live without knowing that I might be the first person in the World to experience side-effects with GelClair.

Or should I do it?

In the name of Medical Research?

Votes in the comments section please! :)

Otherwise, a thoroughly GOOD DAY all around. Let's hope I can beat the pogo stick effect and have another good one tomorrow!


Nicci said...

Glad today has been a better day! Let someone else do the medical research- you proved that you can have a reaction to the gel.

kindredpilgrim said...

Terry would, Arfur wouldn't, and neither would I...

Anonymous said...

I would... just to prove it...but that's my nature.....and then I can smugly represent to the doctors and say: "that gelclair shit was crap"!!

But having said that, no need for unnecessary pain mate!

btw - I'm on full dose tramadol +/- co-codamol (which obviously shouldn't be mixed... ahem...)... and they do make you feel very mushy.. heh heh!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Col, not sure about the ucler stuff, Ali did not get that one, she mentioned she often had a metallic taste in her mouth and recommends sour gob stoppers and ice pops if you do. If you get this too and the same works for you I suggest you get a stack in or else you end up as I did walking the streets at 3 am trying to buy these kids treats which is a bit suspicious! Take care mate. Alan