Thursday 1 January 2009

Thursday 1st January 2009

Happy New Year everybody!

Yes, I know forgot to write anything yesterday ... shame on me, the slippery slope starts here!

So I tried an experiment last night/this morning ...

will my cancer drugs sort out a major hangover?

The answer, unfortunately, is no :(

I think the anti-emetic (yes I had one this morning) is helping - I dread to think what I'd be feeling like without it - but I haven't got away with it. I have, however, so far resisted the temptation to take a swig from the morphine bottle (tempting though)!

Still it was a very good night spent next door helping the neighbours finish a jeroboam of champagne - didn't take us long at all actually! And the traditional Yorkshire fayre of meat and tattie pie with mushy peas and mint sauce (try it - bloomin' gorgeous!) accompanied it perfectly!
This was the first time I've been drunk since before my diagnosis, so a bit of a milestone!

I also learned that a true Yorkshireman eats Christmas cake with cheese. Not tried that one yet, but another fine food combination apparently! Try it and let me know what you think ...

If my memory serves me (which it probably doesn't) we got home about 3.30am this morning, so a good time was had by all.

I hope all your celebrations were good too, whether you chose full-on clubbing or a quiet night in, (or any of a range of options in between), and I hope 2009 holds good things in store for all of us!

Cheers! (again)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I fared a bit better...snuggled in bed with the dog watching Shrek2 (love the karaoke at the end), Tina Turner in Concert (on the telly). When it got to Tom Jones in concert, it was time to go! Tuned over to Times Square coverage and never made it to the ball drop...Fast asleep, but thinking I felt better than most the next morn :-).

Joined a 10 yr-old bday party on the 1st; would have been a huge
"headache" day if I had been hungover (eight 10 yr old girls -very high volume!). So glad I am just an "auntie".... My kids have 4 legs and are furry --- much lower volume...I prefer it that way!
