Tuesday 20 January 2009

Tuesday 20th January 2009

Would you believe it, I've had a tube stuck into my vein for nearly two months with no bleeding, but when I took the dressing off the hole today, I pulled the tape a bit too hard and made my arm bleed (nowhere near the PICC line hole) - ironic or what?

Today has been another fun day on the bureaucracy side. Having got my MRI appointment finally confirmed, I contact my health insurers and they tell me that MRI scans at that particular hospital (Bradford Royal Infirmary) may not be covered by my work policy. This is the typical crap you have to deal with and I can only be thankful that I am not ill - imagine having to deal with all this red tape when you are seriously ill. Health insurance is supposed to give you peace of mind, not stress you out! I've got to wait until this afternoon to find out. If I'm not covered at this hospital (but I am covered at other hospitals), but my team need me to have the scan at Bradford because the scanner is better, I'm left with a bill for probably over £1000 (its a double scan). Great!

Every single time I have a scan, a consultant meeting or a procedure I have to go back to the insurers and get a separate authorisation code and this all depends on whether this consultant is covered doing this procedure at this hospital, because some are covered, some are not. I don't get a choice of who I see, what procedure is right for me or where is best to have it, so it's a lottery every time whether I am covered or not. Really frustrating!

I know I should be thankful that I have health insurance at all, because it can sometimes speed things up and generally means you get better food whilst on a ward, but frankly, given the great treatment I have had on the NHS so far, I'm not sure its worth the hassle!

Grrrrr ......

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