Saturday, 31 January 2009

Saturday 31st January 2009

Funny day today - it's all getting a bit close and I think that is dawning on me. One thing I did last week was to visit a solicitor to make a will - not that I'm planning on not waking up from the surgery, but it seemed to be a sensible precaution - you've got to do it sometime, and just before major surgery seems as good a time as any. However, its a bit of a funny feeling opening a letter containing a document called "Last Will and Testament, Colin Stuart Robb"!

I think it will probably start affecting me even more as the week goes on - the chemo started so quickly I didn't really have any time to think about it, but the surgery is a bit more of a definite date, and reminds me a bit of the weeks leading up to my O and A levels (see how old I am??).

However, I think I am coming to terms with it the more I think about it - the body is pretty good at adapting to its situation, so I guess I'll get used to the inevitable strange feelings after I wake up. I sort of want to get it over with though - without wishing my life away in the process.

I must stop watching the football too - Spurs threw away another match in the last few minutes again today - it really doesn't help my mood! :(

Tomorrow I will be more positive and upbeat. Definitely.

1 comment:

Mrs Jones said...

EVERYONE should have a will (take note, other readers of this blog). The problems that are caused when someone leaves no will are often dreadful. And, Mr Fishperson, you are quite correct about the body adapting - I had a seemingly not insignificant organ removed a couple of years back (it had a proper job and everything), the removal of which could have heralded all sorts of digestive difficulties but after a couple of days of 'interesting events', everything went back to normal!