Friday 2 January 2009

Friday 2nd January 2009

Nothing really to report today, except I am becoming increasingly conscious of the passing of time and the scan in 5 days time.

A couple of times recently I've had the original symptom of difficulty swallowing - usually with toast or other bread-like foods. Not as common as before the chemo, but enough to make me think that there probably hasn't been much change in the size of the tumour.

When I met the surgeon the other day, he did make a point of saying that I shouldn't be worried if there was little or no reduction in size though - the main purpose of the chemo is to help prevent the cancer reappearing in the future rather than reducing its size. Although it will obviously be nice if there has been a size reduction. We'll have to wait and see.

Finished the port the other night - very nice too! :)

Bye for now


Anonymous said...

Hiya Col, Kate Kuzmanoska (Twigg) here. I'm so crap with these blog website things...amazing considering I'm the Head of ICT at school eh? Cant even find a proper picture of you..and Vanda...or maybe you haven't put one on? Huh Huh? Anyway after this message I'll go and try again. Pants I am!

Not many people can shock me these days, but you managed it. Been thinking bout you alot - gives us all time to reflect . . And I think what you're doing with this blog thingy is a brilliant idea, answers lots of questions ..even if I cant use it properly yet :-) I'll get little kuz to help me when she gets home.

Much I want to say really but a bit at a time I guess. I'm wishing you the very best of luck and anything else that comes with it chuck. Would love to see you whenever possible, everything else aside, it's been far too long and I've never even met Vanda! slap on wrist for me. Will keep in touch, luv Katie xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Colin and Vanda,
It's taken a bit of time to get in touch as I'm not to hot on blogger stuff but I think I may have cracked It.
Best of British and good luck for 2009 and I hope it all works out for you, Glenda sends hugs,rock n roll . Mick H