Friday 30 January 2009

Friday 30th January 2009

No developments today - it's a case of gearing up for the surgery now. I've got to start thinking of all the preparation I need to do - like financial stuff and phsically moving things around so that everything is as convenient as possible for me when I get out of hospital and trying to reduce the burden on Vanda as much as possible.

I guess there are going to be support services available to us of some kind - I suppose there will be a need for people to visit to change wound dressings etc, but we will need to look into that next week.

And thank goodness for the Internet - ordering stuff to be delivered is the best development of modern times - no chasing around shops looking for stuff. If I'm not going to be able to drive for months that is really going to make a difference - that reminds me, I need to order some more Nespresso coffee!

Thanks once again for all the best wishes since the scan on Monday - it's a shame that due to the surgery being moved forward, I don't have the time to do the visiting that I had planned, but at least now that it is happening, I will hopefully be able to do the visit later in the year, cancer-free!



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