Wednesday 7 January 2009

Wednesday 7th January 2009

Got to the hospital in plenty of time for the scan this morning, but felt very nauseous all of a sudden and didn't have any of my drugs with me. Probably to do with being hungry, but it was a bit of a pain as things were running late so it was an hour and a half before I got to go in.

Had the usual litre of pernod-flavoured drink, then a shot of a sherbert-like powder followed immediately by a shot of lemon juice to make it fizz, then washed down with water. It was a bit like doing a tequila slammer! I wonder if the person who invented the process was an alcoholic?? :)

Because of my PICC line, they had to put another tube in my other arm for the contrast dye. When she stuck the needle in, a lot of blood came out all over my arm which was nice, and when she took the catheter out later on, the same thing happened - probably a lot to do with the Warfarin, but I'm not sure what the next person in line thought when I came out with blood all down my arm! (Sorry Kaz, no pictures ...)

Wasn't very pleasant for a while with a tube in each elbow - I felt like I couldn't bend either arm (although you can, it just feels funny).

Anyway, it was worth it when they administered the dye - a lovely warming feeling washing over your body. I imagine it was a bit like taking a pee in a wetsuit, but I've never done that so I'm only guessing of course ... :)

Anyway, finally got home and had a lovely late breakfast and all signs of nausea disappeared so all is well again.

Now for the big wait for the results!

Thanks for all the emails and texts with good wishes today - even got one from some friends on honeymoon in Hawaii which was nice!

Enough for now - see you later!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the bleeding from the cannula... obviously sited by a cack-handed amateur... bit like myself as a medical student... must have caused that sort of bleeding dozens of times.... often to the same patient! (damn that pesky warfarin).

See you Friday mate.


GavinSimpson said...

Nice image there - not so much the tubes and blood but more the wetsuit! Good luck with the waiting game, mate. Thinking of you here. Gavin