Thursday 12 February 2009

Thursday 12th February 2009

Hi all!

I've just woken up from the first real "nap" I have taken since the op. This is the first time I have closed my eyes for what seemed like 5 minutes and have awoken actually two hours later (which is usually the norm).

One of the strageish sensations I have been having since Monday is the constant feeling that I have awoken having had a 5-minute nap and expecting the clock to have passed an hour or so, only to find that exactly 5 minutes had passed! This has meant that time (especially at night) has passed extremely slowly compared to usual. Probably a lot to do with the Morphine.

Today I have been surprising people (including myself) with how able I am to stand up and walk with just a little help with my balance. Overall I am much more able than I thought I would be!

I am back on the York Suite and definitely up for visitors if anyone wants to pop over. Getting a bit busy on Saturday and Sunday, but let me know by phone, email or text and I will try and make sure there are no overlaps (I'll contact a few of you in person after this update to arrange/confirm previous arrangements).

thanks for the cards by the way (Sue, Nita & Nona, Dave & Caz, and The Columbians) which greeted me here!

Vanda has also been passing on good messages from various people.

I accidentally swallowed a mouthful of water today. no strange sensation and no significant impact although I am not supppsed to swallow anything until Monday really.

Morphine has been doing its job well, although I have rarely needed it for direct pain relief, its more for the sensation to be honest - has been helping with the sleeping etc. It is making this update a bit hard though - I can't remember what I wrote yesterday for example!

I think I've said what I meant to say without repeating myself too much!

The comments seem to be back to normal too, although I have been able to filter out the crap. Don't worry, it's a long story and the two people getting filtered know exactly who they are and that they are not welcome here any more. (unfortunately, it is not as intriguing for everyone else as it sounds)

I'm off to enjoy some telly and phone calls now. See you tomorrow! :)

Col x


Greenacres said...

Hello Colin, glad to hear you are doing okay and already out of bed. We had a phone call from Vanda today who gave us an update. Carry on with the good work and get home soon.

All the best,

Roy and Rose

Anonymous said...

Gordon Brown, Colin! I know you told me how to reply to this blog but it's bloody complicated. Was about to give up when cat trod on appropriate key and here I am. Anyway, sorry you had a bad day yesterday, but sometimes I think one needs a bad day occasionally to appreciate fully the good ones. Glad to hear you are on liquids now and enjoying them. Can't help wondering how long that water is going to taste good for. My (70-something) parents came up this afternoon to take me to pub for lunch and mum spent the afternoon winding me up and getting me pissed. Am now trying to wind down and sober up. Oscar, my itty bitty ginger kitty, went out on his own for the first time yesterday and caught a mouse!! I felt like a proud parent who's child had just said it's first word. That's ma boy! I threw it behind the garage, and he brought it back in again today, several stages of decay later. I'm hoping he's going to progress to those small dogs 2 doors down so we can have a bit of peace. Anyway, hope you have a good nights sleep and will attempt to reply again. Am I now a blogger? Been called worse. Lots of love, Ali & Alan xx