Monday 16 February 2009

Monday 16th February 2009

A long and hard day today!

Started off well when they left me in peace to sleep in until 11am, but the physio burst in at 11 whilst I was fast asleep and made me jump out of my skin. Before I had a chance to recover, he had me up and out of bed and walking the corridors. by the time I got back I was sweating and short of breath - a good workout, but I could have done with being eased into it, especially since I was hungry.

After a wash a porter came to collect me for my scan. I'd only had a couple of doses from my morphine pump so I took it with me. no sooner was I out the door when it packed up though.

Preparing for the scan involved hauling myself sideways off the trolley and onto the scan table - it was extremely hard work in my current condition and very painful.

The scan table was tipped vertical then I was given a sickly, gooey, pernod-flavoured contrast (why always pernod??) which was horrible. I had to swallow this at the command whilst the radiographer (same guy who did my MRI) moved an X-Ray like device in front of my chest following the route of the swallow. I did this three times, then it was over. Doc told me that there was no evidence of any leaks so all was well - so far so good!

It was once I got back to my room when things went a bit downhill for a while. Having only had a couple of morphine shots since about 10am, the underlying pain was starting to come through, and with the strain of shuffling off the trolley I was in quite a bit of pain. I was also feeling nauseous due to hunger and they hadn't yet reattached my food line.

Unfortunately, it was at this exact time that two other patients decided I was getting too much attention and went critical, which diverted all qualified staff into emergency mode (and away from me!).

This lasted a couple of hours during which time I was feeling pretty crap and running a temperature. I managed to get myself into bed which was a little better, but it is safe to say this was easily the worst I have felt since I came in here.

Eventually I got hooked up to food and morphine again and things started to get a bit better until rumblings in my tummy triggered a panic trip to the bathroom. Bear in mind that getting to the bathroom from my bed involves the following convoluted procedure:

lowering the foot of the bed, and raising the head, leaning over the left side to grab the chest drain container, leaning over the right side to untie the cathetar bag from the bed, swivelling round and standing up, unplugging three machines from the wall then grabbing the chest drain container and cathetar bag in one hand and the IV tower with the three machines on in the other, negotiating the gap at the end of the bed, opening the toilet door and finding the light switch, then making it to the toilet. All this between the rumbling and the "main event" and in my limited mobility state - not a long time! Just made it!

This was the 6 days of liquid food finally making it through to its explosive conclusion.

unfortunately, 20 minutes after following the reverse of the process, I got the call a second time! Made it again, but even closer that time. I'm now somewhat nervous of what the night ahead is going to bring ...

Oh, and somewhere in the midst of all that, the surgeon popped in and told me I can start drinking up to a maximum of 30ml of water each hour from now on (result!). Tomorrow it goes up to 60ml/hour, with the option to swap up to three of them for half cups of tea or coffee. Wednesday brings unlimited liquids, and Thursday should mean soft solids.

All good news, but somewhat overshadowed by all the other stuff today. Hopefully a better day tomorrow barring any embarrassing overnight "accidents"! :(

I guess no big deal considering it is only 7 days since the surgery, but still the first day when I don't feel better than the last, so a minor setback.

How lovely does water taste though?!

See you tomorrow,



jbee68 said...

Small steps Colin. I'm sat here doubled up laughing at you describing your toilet trip(s). It must be the old Black Adder episode stating something along the lines of "your entire sense of humour is based on ze toilet"

Hope tomorrow brings more progress, and water comes top of my list, with red wine and a good beer joint second.

Your blog is a highlight of my day.
Looking forward to the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Hi Colin,

I felt bad for smiling at the image of you getting to the bathroom, but having seen Jeremy B's comment I don't feel so bad cos I realise I'm not the only person you know who has a warped sense of humour!

Great news about the drinking, though I feel you are overselling the joys of water somewhat. I suggest you try exotic things like blueberry juice and coffee in the near future.

The horrid drinks in hospital are always pernod flavour because it masks every known flavour in the universe, as it has the distinction of being the foulest taste known to man (or aliens).

I hope today (Tuesday) is a better day than yesterday, keep pressing than morphine button!

Take care

Christine x x