Wednesday 18 March 2009

Wednesday 18th March 2009

Excellent day today!

It's always nice to wake up to a sunny day - it's been lovely all day today. A bit cold outside, but gorgeous in the conservatory! Made even better by the fact that it is raining in Florida today! I'm not gloating, as it has apparently been a drought in Florida recently, so they are actually thankful for a bit of rain - but it does make a change for the weather to be nicer in Halifax than Florida! Nice to have a long chat with my West Palm Beach buddies - good luck with the vegetables!

Anyway, why such a good day today? Nice weather, no sickness, and a milestone in my recovery - I went round the supermarket with Vanda today! Doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is the furthest I have walked since my laps of the hospital ward, and maybe actually further than that. It's also the first time out of the house for anything but a medical appointment, so a real first (I cannot believe I am raving about going to the supermarket - whatever next? A day out clothes shopping??)

Had a lovely, sticky, real cream Belgian chocolate eclair as a reward, and actually felt virtuous eating it - ha ha, long may that feeling last!

Also got my new bank card today, so I'm back in action on the spending front (not that I need it at the moment). It seems that the bank managed to stop most of the fraudulent transactions (so matey never got his car insurance - I hope he has a crash now and writes off his car!) The only transaction which slipped through was £8 for the London Congestion Charge, so I have to claim that back, but it could have been worse I suppose.

Still haven't taken any new photos yet, but I promise I will get around to it at some point - I've got to do something to liven this blog up - there's only so much of "Good day, bad day, average day" you can stand without giving up on me! :) Thanks for hanging in there - I promise I'll try and live a more exciting life soon! (I went to the supermarket today - did I tell you?)

Anyway, hoping for a few more days like today,



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can sympothise with your fraud problems. I had a letter today from my insurance company and someone has cloned my car and had an accident in Coventry!!
Luckily I can prove I was somewhere else on the day, I am with you though that they should all be put in the stocks...
Wouldn't it be funny if your guy had insured my cloned car with your credit card... maybe the world isn't that small.