Monday 2 March 2009

Monday 2nd March

Slow progress today, but at least I have had a number of conversations with different people in the know.

I now have some diarrhea medicine, although I can't start using it until after the next bout and I've not been to the loo at all yet today (how different from yesterday!)

I have also had a long chat with the dietitian and she has given me some ideas and guidance. I've managed beans on toast today, and they went down ok but caused me to feel nauseous for a couple of hours. Vanda is cooking a shepherd's pie at the moment and I will have some of that in a while, but I'm going to make it a small portion for today and hopefully make it last a few days.

Thanks again for all the encouragement - I know this is just a phase. Hopefully some better news soon.




Anonymous said...

Hiya Colin, I hope this finds you in a better place than yesturday and things are improving.
Take a look at the clip on this URL there is something amazing and very stupid towards the end. Completely unrelated to your current situation other than it's amazing what can be done. Get well.

Anonymous said...

Hope Vanda's shepherd's pie is goooood, bet it is. I perhaps forget how wonderful she must be, but I don't even know her . . I know she must be.

Sky diving video made me feel sick, never mind beans on toast.... KT x