Sunday 15 March 2009

Sunday 15th March 2009

Pretty good day today. Felt a little sick after breakfast and went back to bed, but got up after lunch and have been fine the rest of the day. Had a couple of nice visits, and Spurs beat Aston Villa against the odds, so all-in-all a favourable day! :)

I'm still getting the abdominal pains associated with diarrhoea, but not the follow on diarrhoea itself which is good, and I now have some anti-nausea tablets
(from my friendly doctor) to tide me over until I get a full prescription, hopefully tomorrow. So as these start to take effect, I hope the nausea will settle down a bit and food will become a more attractive proposition!

I've just read another article on the net which we found whilst looking for the definition of a term - sounds very similar to my case - same symptoms, similar histology - for a 62-year old male in the year 2000 (much more recent than anything else I've seen). Post-operative treatment was radiotherapy rather than chemotherapy interestingly enough. This guy was still going strong 80 months after treatment which is better news, although I think he was Indian, and again the information may not be relevant to me, especially as the physiology of different races can be very different. As I say, I'm not basing any judgement or prediction based on any of these articles, but the one thing I take from this is that radiotherapy might be a possible factor. I'm not at all knowledgeable about this kind of treatment so I might just take a look at what is involved so that if this ends up being an option I can be a little prepared.

Otherwise, scars are definitely healing well, and it may be time for some more photos! :) I'll see how long it takes me to get around to remembering!

Anyway ... bedtime!


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