Thursday 5 March 2009

Thursday 5th March 2009

Not a lot to report today. I've not done so well on the eating as yesterday and have made myself feel sick twice.

The problem is that although I am eating (or drinking) a small portion, unless I spread it out over an hour or so (in which case hot food goes cold), then I don't know when I've had enough until it is too late, as the "full" feeling only registers about 15 minutes after eating.

At the moment I just don't have the patience to eke a meal out for so long, and nor do I yet know how much I can and cannot eat, so I keep catching myself out.

Practice will make perfect, but it's a real pain at the moment!

Good news is that my energy levels over the last couple of days have continued to be reasonably good compared with earlier in the week, which makes dealing with the eating challenges that little bit easier.

On the pain front things are pretty good too - I'm still taking occasional paracetamol, particularly when I wake up - but overall I am amazed that given the size of the scars and the extent of the internal slicing and dicing, I am only taking basic, everyday painkillers. Not to say that there is no pain - coughing, and particularly sneezing are agony - but as these are so intermittent, there's no point in taking serious medication to try and combat that, particularly as nothing they gave me in hospital really helped in those "peak" moments anyway. Overall, the pain levels are reducing and I am able to sleep on my side for quite a long time now before I notice any real discomfort.

Better go, time for more food ...



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Colin,

Glad that to hear the Shepard's Pie comfort food did the trick...well done Vanda!

The body is amazing isn't it? When I had my op I was pleasantly surprised how little pain I had when I returned home from the hospital. Yes, laughing, sneezing, coughing was a bitch. Having a daily constitutional was also excruciating since they had to mess around with my bowels. to get back to work...TGIF!

Love from WPB, Forida where it is a lovely 70 F!

Barb : )