Saturday 7 March 2009

Saturday 7th March 2009

Sorry, completely forgot to post yesterday - nothing to worry about!

Managed to get out of the house to visit the doctor yesterday for a checkup and repeat prescriptions etc. I was absolutely knackered yesterday morning, so arrived at the docs very breathless - a good thing because it is good for her to see me in my worst state.

She was very encouraging, but reminded me that the healing process takes energy, so breathless days will be the norm for a while. I'm a bit better today, although I made myself feel sick again this morning (grrr!).

Doc has signed me off work for three months, although I truly believe I'll be in good shape long before then. However, it is good not to have to worry about forever getting re-issued sick notes, and I can always go back before the three months is up if I want to. I'm definitely not going to rush back, but I do want to start doing some "brain work" fairly soon - research etc, and I expect to go back to work in the intellectual sense quite a long time before I go back to work in the physical sense and start travelling again. I've got plenty of things to get on with involving reading, researching and writing papers/reports etc which I can do without needing to leave the house.

Not much else to report - thanks Sue & Stuart for the flowers by the way - so that's all for today.

Things are progressing slowly but surely!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Col, was wondering what was up so good to see you back blogging. I am sure it is frustrating but don't rush it. To keep the brain active perhaps you could crack this credit crunch nightmare, that should keep the grey matter busy!!
Take care