Wednesday 29 July 2009

Wednesday 29th July 2009

Chemo Cycle 2 Day 10

Hi All,

Still no real news today - leg aches have cleared up, and I've reached the end of my Steroid and Etoposide courses, so it's back to standard maintenance regime as far as the drugs are concerned.

The guy came earlier to pick up the double bass, so that's gone forever and there is a nice big space in the garage and a wad of cash in my pocket. One down, several to go, although I can't see myself being so lucky as to make a profit out of my other sales!

I had a nice new mattress delivered yesterday, and I will be buying an adjustable bed soon - I'm spending so much time in bed these days I may as well have a comfortable environment, and an accessible one if it should ever become difficult to be out of bed (not for a while we hope!)

Overall, I'm still feeling good on the chemo, which has the slight niggling worry that as I am not paying with side effects it might not be working. I try and cast these thoughts from my mind and am focusing on a positive outcome from the next scan.

Weather has been so crap recently though that it is hard to wake up with an energetic bounce - this morning looking out at the torrential rain I did kind of wish I had a couple of months in the Maldives to look forward to. I think we'll wait for the verdict on the 18th August (next oncologist meeting when I think it will be decided if it is worth me having any further chemo cycles) and then I might consider a trip to a beach somewhere :)

Nothing else really - sorry to be dull, but I don't get out much these days :)

Ha ha - no I'm doing fine really. Onwards and upwards!



Krishna said...

If you do go to the Maldives, I am coming with you, WITHOUT the children! Gosh, I could do with some sleep....ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Know what you mean about the gray mornings, feel same. With new mattress I recommend duck down quilt - best money I've ever spent! Maldives? Boring. Go to America xx KT

Alan said...

On the theme of a good nights sleep, highly recommend an orthopedic pillow. I got one from the local physio with a curved out section that allows the shoulder to go under. Its suberb. No more back ache, better sleep etc. Will dig out the brand name if you are interested. Good luck on the next scans.