Friday 10 July 2009

Friday 10th July 2009

Chemo Cycle 1 Day 12

Blood test today was "fine" whatever that means. I didn't think to ask whether it meant that my blood count was normal or was low but within acceptable tolerances etc. Still, I feel ok so I guess things must be ok.

No other developments really. My double bass on eBay is currently going for £5 more than I paid for it 15 years ago with 5 days still to go, so that's good! Although someone begged me to be allowed to come and see it tonight then never showed. Just as well I didn't have to stay in for him or anything like that. Some people are so rude! :)

Wish me luck for the all-day wedding tomorrow. Hopefully I'll survive, but at least I should have a hotel room to crash out in if I need to.

See you Sunday hopefully!


1 comment:

abw said...

Okay, here's wishing you good luck at the wedding tomorrow!