Wednesday 15 July 2009

Wednesday 15th July 2009

Chemo Cycle 1 Day 17

The deed is done. As promised, some pictures:

Before ...

After ...

Much Later ...

I don't think it's too bad to be honest, and washing my hair is certainly easier now! I'm certainly glad it is Summer though. Last time I did this I was at University and it was November and I lived at "The Wreck" with no central heating. I had to sleep in a woolly hat!

I do remember that I was riding a scooter at the time, and the sensation when I put my helmet on was like an electric shock going through my head. Very odd. In fact I might have to go and put my helmet on again now just to revisit the sensation!

No other developments to speak of so far this week. I'm still a bit lethargic, but that is becoming quite normal now. The odd moment of action followed by long periods of rest.

Double bass auction finishes tomorrow. So far up to 400 quid which is beyond my wildest expectations, and likely to go a bit higher as the auction draws to a close as I have 52 people watching it. All good fun!

That's all for now - enjoy the pictures!



deley said...

now let me see (trying to drag out some dim and distant memories) ... wasn't that the place where the one that would become the fishperson and the one that was the ringo lived ... (cloudy memory) didn't a nice young chap called Adrian come to rent a room there....wonder whatever happened to him ;) .... ah I remember (bits)

Many old friends had several beers for an old friend over g'fest weekend

btw - currently still being "integrated" into the new corporate wonderland with the wonderful result that my corp email addy gets 1 letter shorter

Alan said...

Very trendy this bald business! Cool! You should be checking that you do not get sun burnt but at the moment a hat is about keeping you dry:)
All the best

Adrian said...

You do look like a monkey! HA HA!!!

Tiz said...

Col, I think you look younger and more virile with the bald bonce, but maybe that is just wishfull thinking on my part, Bald Tiz

abw said...

Wicked Dude! : ) And the fro is definitely you!


Anonymous said...

Love the wig is that one of the NHS freebies? ;0)