Sunday 19 July 2009

Sunday 19th July 2009

Chemo Cycle 1 Day 21

Sorry for the lack of posts for a few days - nothing untoward, just kept forgetting to be honest!

Not much to report - double bass sold for 400 quid. I was quite surprised that there were no further bids as the auction closed, but 400 quid is still 250 more than I paid, so no complaints at all!

All ready to start cycle 2 of my chemo tomorrow. I have an appointment with my oncologist at 9.50, then I will have to have another chest X-Ray i guess, then up to the ward for a boring 5-hour IV marathon. better than the 24-hour stint from the chemo back in December, so I can't really complain, but sitting in a chair for that long will be a chore if I can't nab one of the recliners!

Been rehearsing with the band today and watching the golf (still can't believe I have started watching my second least favourite sport, but at least I haven't stooped to watching the cricket yet!) - all quite exciting until the end of normal play, but petered out to an anticlimax in the end. I can't believe the fashion police don't know the way to golf courses - there are some people who seriously need locking up. I've never seen such a large group of badly dressed people in one place at one time - unbelievable!

Baldy heed is ok, if a little cold at times in the weather we are having. Nearly had to put my woolly hat on in bed the other night. And Adrian, you are not going to shake your monkey moniker off that easily my friend! I wish I had a photo to prove my point, but those who were around at the time will surely agree! :)

Anyway, more tomorrow if I get a chance ...




dave jones said...

hang on, you've just missed watching one of the greatest ashes cricket matches - which england won - and instead chose to spent your time watching bloody golf??? absolutely unbelievable!!! with all that spare time, you should get into a sport worth watching not one with a load of clowns wearing salmon pink jumpers and lemon slacks!!! turn back before it's too late!

next thing I know, matt will start watching golf too (a bit like he started eating salad and drinking water after years of castigating us for doing it).

anyway... greetings from thailand... having a fab honeymoon and glad the chemotherapy seems to be going ok. great haircut by the way...


colin robb (mungo) said...

Hi Colin
Please dont take this the wrong way i have just started to follow your post's and I'am slowly working my way through them to get up to date with all tour entries. Felt i should just say hello and hope all goes well, the reason i started to follow your updatesis because we share the same name NO not just Colin but the whole hog "YES" I'm a Colin Robb also wonder how many of us there are in the world???.
Anyway all the best and keep posting you are without doubt an insperation to many people.
PS the cricket was very edge off the seat (for a change) and for Dave jones nothing wrong with salmon pink sweater and lemon troos (yes i play & also work in the golf industrie.

burnalanbexley said...

Dear Colin
We've been keeping up to date with all your news on your blog but not known how to get in touch until now - we're new to computing and at 80+ it takes time to get to grips with this technology!
Anita is coming for lunch today - she has been following your news as well although she doesn't have a computer at the moment.
We'll keep following your news daily and wish you well
Alan and Sheila