Sunday 20 September 2009

Sunday 20th September 2009

Chemo Cycle 4 Day 14

A bit brighter today, both outside and within myself. Gradually regaining some energy after the "down" week.

Managed to go out for lunch yesterday which was a nice change, and managed to eat a reasonable amount without overdoing it and being sick which was also a benefit.

Now that I've got over the slump week, things should be generally upward for a while. It will definitely be interesting to see how things go after this week, with the end of the chemo - into new territory for a while!

Hi to Jeff who posted a comment during the week - how's things? As regular readers will know,
this blog seems to be bringing a lot of people out of the woodwork - I last saw/heard from Jeff probably in 1987 when I moved back up North from Guildford. Part of the legendary "Holy Durex!", here taking Guildford Civic Hall by storm back in '86 (Jeff is dressed as Madonna for this one - I think your finest look!) ...

Great to hear from Gill too, from the same era, who contacted me out of the blue recently - things seem to be going well for you - I was thinking of you today whilst watching a bit of the Great North Run coming into South Shields!

Yes, definitely feeling brighter today - even losing to Chelsea, after a shocking mistake by the referee to deny us a penalty altered the course of the game, can't dampen my spirits. I guess I wasn't expecting much from the Chelsea or United games, so hopefully we can pick things up again over the next few matches.

I've been researching a few things to do over the last few days. I haven't made any committments to anything yet, we'll see how the energy goes, but I did find the offer of a trip to the North Pole! You fly to Svalbard (island north of Norway), then get a helicopter up to the Pole. You get an hour or so to run "round the world" then you come back. It's a pointless three-day trip which somehow piqued my interest! I'm sure I'm just humouring myself - probably a bit too much like hard work, especially with the food situation, but I reckon it would be a good laff! One of my best trips in the past was up into the Arctic Circle in Northern Finland, where we ate a lot of reindeer and saw the Northern Lights (I think I mentioned that before - never mind), and I'd love to go back.

I'm really in two minds about travelling again though. I have the opportunity to go to Stockholm and Hamburg in December, both places I have been before and really like, but I'm just not sure I can handle the work when I'm there. This would involve standing on an exhibition booth and walking around large conference centres (no electric scooter for me there!). I'm forever in two minds - half of me wants to just go for it and grin and bear it - I'm good at getting on with things when I put my mind to it - the other half is asking me why I want to put myself through it, when I don't have to. I guess the next few weeks chemo-free will give me my answer. Would need to renew my passport though, and that would mean looking like Kif on my passport photo for the rest of my life! :)

Anyway, enough rambling for now

Col x


Andy T said...

Shame that the after several years of standing empty the Guildford Civic Hall is currently being ripped down to make way for a replacement. Lots of memories will go with it :-(.

I am sure that we arrange to share the load in Hamburg if you were feeling up to it (my team are probably not required to support Stockholm).


Andy T

Anonymous said...

You're not rambling... really good to read bout you and what's happening... maybe you missed you're vocation as an author? Anyway, glad it's looking bit better this week, luv KT x