Saturday 5 September 2009

Saturday 5th September 2009

Chemo Cycle 3 Day 19

Not much to report again this week. I think I have a little more energy than last week, but not as much as I'd like. I think the cumulative effect of the chemo might be starting to take hold, but thankfully I only have one cycle left before I get a bit of a rest to see how things level out.

I'm in hospital again first thing Monday for my consultant appointment followed by my last chemo session. Mixed feelings as I'm looking forward to being chemo-free after this cycle, but also nervous of what my post-chemo future holds.

Unfortunately my chemo session means that I can't get down South this weekend for Steve's gig at the Boileroom in Guildford, but I hope all of you who are going along have a good night and see him off back to Oz with a bang! Anyone who doesn't know about the gig and fancies a splendid night out, go along and take a punt. Well worth it!

Went out to the shops today to try and get some clothes that fit. I didn't manage to find anything I liked, but I did find out that I am now an easy 32" waist rather than the tight 36" I was when I went into hospital for surgery! I've also lost about 6" from my chest, which means that I need a complete new wardrobe fairly urgently! I will probably go to the Trafford Centre, the big mall in Manchester sometime over the next week or so. I'm concerned that I won't be able to walk around the place as it's just too large and I don't have the energy, so I'm contemplating going to the mobility centre on site and getting one of those electric scooters for the day. That will be a bit of a shock - admitting to, and giving in to my invalid status, but should also be a laugh careering around the place like one of those out of control old women! :)

I'll leave you with that thought ...




the-whelk-from-wiltshire said...

Those mobility carts are a right laugh. Especially after a couple of beers! I hit a brand new jag in the local pub car park whilst taking our mates buggy for a spin. Luckily, I knew the jags owner, who saw the funny side. Phew!
Good luck for Monday. We're trying to send some positive vibe stuff to you. You never know, it might work!

jbee68 said...

Good luck Monday and go for a Segue (not sure that's the spelling), which is a little more hip than the 3 wheeler 'Brian Potter' special.
Drove a Vantage today, wow what a noise... viscural. Impressive build quality, design and a pussy cat when in traffic - a true gentlemans conveyance.

Andy T said...

"Seque"! Forgive him for he does not know of the historical implication of what he says. Good luck for tomorrow, everything crossed for positive consultation.

Anonymous said...

Hope your consultation went well today !!
Adele xx

AXB said...

Mobility scooter on the marble floors of Trafford Centre, make sure you get your drifting technique sorted early while the batteries are still good. My youngest has an electric car and it only drifts for the first 10 minutes of charge I am sure the "scooter" will be the same.

Saw the post from Jeremy B about the Vantage, I am sure you could make the noises on your scooter to complete the picture.

Have fun shopping. I bought a new pair of jeans on Sunday and told the lady in the shop I was a 28" but 36" is more comfy!!