Friday 1 January 2010

New Year's Day 2010

Happy New Year everybody!

Wow - 2010!

Had a quiet one last night - actually spent it watching a great film called "Australia" with Nicole Kidman. Tried a little champagne but only managed half a glass this time, and now I'm back on reduced steroids it rather wiped me out.

I was up at 7.30am yesterday which is extremely early for me, to have my last CT scan at Halifax hospital. Pretty routine as usual, but with the early start and not getting to bed until 1am it was a long day.

In return, I've spent most of the day in bed today to recover, but now I've stayed up beyond midnight again so I'm in danger of getting out of cycle again. Shouldn't be a problem - I've got nothing on until Monday so I've got time to bring things around again.

Nothing much else to offer at this point, so I hope you enjoy the weekend!

C x


abw said...

2010, sounds weird, eh?

I hate to admit this, but Albert and I barely stayed awake to bring in the new year! I had 1 beer and Albert drank NOTHING! So, Colin, you out drank Albert! Congratulations!

Love to you and Vanda!


Krishna said...

Can you believe it's 10 years since our MeLooneyUmmParty!!?!? Kxxxx

Unknown said...

Hey Col,

Happy new year! I had pretty much the same new year, 1/2 glass of Champagne! My partner (now fiance!!!!!) Emily is 2 weeks away from giving birth and I had a cold so there was not much energy around to see us jumping and dancing into the new year. Nonetheless it was a lovely start. We have been given a day for the C-section, 20th Jan. Its quite a priveledge to know your first borns birth date before it happens. Makes it very real too all of a sudden. As if the temper, emotional roller coaster and huge bump of the mother to be had not reminded me enough.

Anyway, thought of you a lot over Christmas and here in the new year. I am glad you keep fighting and posting your blogs. Hope you can get to see the experts etc in all the snow, if not, then maybe that is not such a bad thing either.

Big hug!


John said...


I dropped Al and Barb at the airport, so they will be in your home soon! They called yesterday looking for a ride to the airport. I was out to dinner with my wife Moon for our second aniversary. Had no idea where you were at. Just read your complete blog! Did you get a photo with the Stig? Unbelevable stuff. You were the skinhead at the rec way way back when. Reading this you are the zen master of dealing with the cards delt. I wish I could have come over with Al and Barb. The poster from Stonehenge Festival is framed in my home. I admired it so much in the rec and you were so nice to bring it to me here in Florida. You were looking great at your concert at the Railway Club. Keep up the positive.

Love to you,
