Friday 18 December 2009

Friday 18th December 2009

Wow, two posts in a week, it's almost like the old days! :)

I actually meant to post yesterday, but as usual got distracted and forgot!

A few bits of news from my various outings this week:

Tuesday - Oncologist

Dr Hofmann has been speaking to the main man in our region, and also with the UK expert in my type of cancer, based in London, and they jointly agree that more treatment would not be beneficial. They feel that the chances of any benefits are so slim, and the likelihood of side-effects so high that it is just not worth it. Even though I have suffered almost no side-effects from my previous treatments, they feel that I am a lot less strong than I was even when I had my last cycle that I would be less able to fight the effects and that might mean me ending up back in hospital. It's a blow, but I must say that I do agree with their way of thinking.

I am going to have one more scan, between Christmas and New Year which will show how and where things are developing, so at least I know which is going to be the troublesome area - liver, lungs etc. I'll get the results from that on the 5th Jan.

My oncologist also confirmed that a lot of my tiredness and loss of appetite will definitely be to do with the cancer and not just my inability to eat much. The tumour markers in my blood test show that the cancer is definitely active again, so this willl have a lot to do with the way I am feeling.

Wednesday - GP

Spent most of the appointment discussing the lack of effects of the Citalopram anti-depressants. I've been on them about 6 weeks now, and I can't tell any difference, so I'm swapping to a new one over the next week - Venlafaxine - we'll see if that makes any difference.

I've also been told that I can up the dose of the steroids I'm on over a short period to give me a boost of energy and appetite, so I will definitely do that over Christmas.

Thursday - Hospice

We had a tour around the hospice in-patients section, which looks very nice and is open to me at any time, but I don't want to think about that yet. I want to stay at home for as long as I'm able, preferrably until the end, as once you move to the hospice, you're never coming out again!

It seems they can do a lot for you to help you stay at home though, and the first step was for them to call in the District Nurse for an assessment regarding a hospital bed at home.

Friday - District Nurse

We've just had the nurse around and she has been explaining what is on offer. They can get me an electric adjustable bed with a pressure-relieving matress as soon as I want one. This will help me get in and out of bed and adjusts to a sitting position so that I can watch tv etc in comfort. I'm still ok with my bed at the moment, but I will go ahead and get this new bed in the new year.

Other things this week ...

Firstly, thanks for all the birthday cards, Facebook messages and texts etc - very kind of you!

Thanks also for all the Christmas cards so far. I have to say that we are doing our best, but we are unlikely to get all our cards done this year in time for the deadline on Monday, so please bear with me if you don't get a card this year. I do have the time, but it takes much more energy than you expect, so I hope you understand :(

Glad I didn't consider the Ferrari this weekend - widespread snow would have dented the fun a bit! Unfortunately that probably means I won't ever get it now, as I'm not sure my capabilities are up to it any more - we'll have to see how Christmas goes

Anyway, that's enough for now,

Speak soon(ish)



Anonymous said...

Hi Coll, its Dave's mum and bro,Jen and Tim here. We have just been out for a curry for his birthday.

Just read your blog, keep writing it, it is very inspirational and helps us all to understand. We wish you all the best for xmas and NY and hope to see you soon.

Tim and Jen

Anonymous said...

Hey Col, previous message very true - you are an inspiration. I hope you have a good week and manage to eat some good stuff on Friday, luv KT x

Amanda Smythe (Classey) said...

Hi Colin, I haven't sent you a message for a while but I've been thinking of you often. Firstly, it's sad that you've retired from the AQM World, it will be a world that will be much poorer without you and your experience, I will sadly miss you in HP, Mercury and the working world in general. However, happy 46th birthday. I wish you all the best over the festive season. You are inspirational! kind regards, Amanda

Anonymous said...

Belated birthday wishes Col and a very merry xmas to both you and Vanda.
Hopefully you can enjoy some xmas dinner and lots of pudding !
Lots of love Adele xx

Anonymous said...

hi colin,just to wish you a merry christmas and hope alls going well...take care mate and hope to meet up in the new wishes...paul

Andy T said...

Merry Christmas Col and belated birthday wishes (thought it was 21st, doh!).

All the best,

Andy T, Christine and family