Sunday 5 April 2009

Sunday 5th March 2009

Hi All,

As promised, my first weekly roundup, and there's not a whole lot to report as expected.

I'm still struggling with the eating regime, but I think it is getting easier as I start to recognise what foods/portion sizes cause me the most issues.

Unfortunately the main culprit is still the supplement drinks, so I'm still not managing to get through as many of those as I am supposed to - I'm probably managing one every two days at the moment rather than two a day. The new samples the dietitian sent me definitely taste better than the originals, and at first I thought I was more tolerant of them, but it seems not. I definitely get nausea and diarrhoea almost every time.

I'm going to try making up only half of the powder mix ones at a time which may help me limit the intake at one particular go, but I will discuss the options with the dietitian tomorrow.

I also have a GP appointment tomorrow morning, to stock up on drugs. My usual doc is away for a couple of weeks, so I've got to convince a different doc that I need the expensive Ondansetron anti-nausea tab. Unfortunately I'm a little dubious about this particular doc ever since he diagnosed my trapped nerve as a sprained shoulder, even though I could wave my arm about as much as I wanted without the pain getting better or worse - it took him the best part of a month to eventually prescribe me a set of painkillers which actually worked. Hopefully he will just do what I ask this time and not expect me to go over the whole thing with him. We'll see.

My "build-a-car" plans certainly sparked some debate. No-one said "don't do it" which is good (unless you count Adrian, who pointed out my less than exemplary record with such things), but I will give it a while before I decide whether I really feel like taking on such a project. I might do the factory visit and let that convince me one way or another.

That's it for now - another update next week!




Anonymous said...

Hiya Col, just been catching with your goings on, and overall you are sounding bloody excellent. Give that doctor what for, don't take any shit about what tabs you need, you've been through enough. Enjoying seeing your land, have you got a back garden? Jess said today (as I read her parts of your blogg, which I do)that she thought you were "pretty cool" . . what you don't know is that my daughter doesn't call anyone cool, specially anyone over 30!! She's on that Spotify website, ta! Not sure about the car, still prefer bikes myself...not that I've been on one for years...getting old and too much into my career. Anyway, keep staying 'cool' Col. Hello to Vanda. Luv Kate x

AXB said...

You can't confuse me by putting the wrong date on your post, there is no way you have gone back a month!

I am sure you will be able to convince the Doc that you need the appropriate drugs and incase he thinks not tell him you and your mates will all wave their arms in his direction until he yeilds.

As for the factory visit if you need a chauffeur just shout!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Col, catching up. Sounds like great progress. As you are on a bit of a liquid diet and there is loads of nutrition in beer I think I have the solution! The car is a must, brilliant idea. Off on hols for a few weeks, need to get over the shock of your team beating my beloved chelsea, having therapy for that one! All the best Alan