Monday, 12 January 2009

Monday 12th January 2009

Nothing to report again today - waiting for Wednesday really (assuming I do get the results of the MDT meeting on Wednesday of course)

Had my regular line flush and blood test today - pretty routine now.

Enjoyed the replay on the news today of one of George Dubya's "Bushisms" - "Don't misunderestimate me" - classic!

Not wishing to be political, but I think things are going to be somewhat different under Obama. I'm reading his book "The Audacity of Hope" at the moment, and what strikes me most is firstly that he has written a book and secondly that I am interested in reading it. I just can't imagine Bush ever being capable of writing a book, or of having anything interesting to say in the first place, but maybe I'm just misunderestimating him! :)

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